How many angels can dance in the head of a pin?
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
by Deli King inmy thought is that we all use up too much .
been gaining in knowledge.
humans make toward gaining "absolute truth", but never .
by minimus inif you had 1 wish that you could have granted that would change something about your past,what would it be?
Big Tex
When I was little, I used to look up at the stars and try to imagine which star my real parents came from. If I could change anything about my past, it would be to find my star and be with the family I really belong to.
by minimus inthere are so many horror stories about elders.
many people dislike or can't stand elders, in general.
a number here have been truly hurt by some.
Big Tex
Wishing Bill Bowen A Happy Birthday
by Cassiline intoday is bill's birthday.
happy birthday bill.
wishing you a little time to yourself.
Big Tex
Christians were given two laws to follow. Love God and love your neighbour as yourself. Celebrating birthdays seems to me to be a matter of conscience. I personally do not, but then I have no problem with a Christian who does. I don't think God does either. Christianity is supposed to be freedom from the intricate laws given to the Jews, a list of what one can and cannot do. That was my point.
Publishers' Comments-Bill Bowen
by twain30 inthese are some comments that some have made to me recently:.
at meeting-a brother: "that anderson sister was lying and here's how i know-no sister has access to those files, only brothers in position do.".
in field service-a sister: "look what happens when we don't wait on jehovah and take matters into our own hands.".
Big Tex
"No man can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick ot he one and despise the other." - Matt. 6:24
There comes a time in everyone's life when they must make a choice. In this case, loyalty to an organisation or the ability to see the world as it truly is. The search for truth is scary and dangerous, full of pitfalls and surprises, and wonders and delights few behold.
Did you know I am a "horrible person"?
by Mulan ini spoke to my niece last night, who is getting a divorce.
her soon to be ex-husband told her it was announced that she is disassociated, recently.
news to all of us.
Big Tex
Mulan! You're great! You're wonderful! How's that?
Wishing Bill Bowen A Happy Birthday
by Cassiline intoday is bill's birthday.
happy birthday bill.
wishing you a little time to yourself.
Big Tex
I was born in Missouri, so show me the scripture that forbids celebrating birthdays. I'm not talking about what the Jews did or didn't do (by the way, I thought Christ's sacrifice did away with the Law covenant), or what the early Christians did or didn't do. Show me where GOD says to celebrate a birthday is wrong.
Bethel Lurkers! Get Out Of Judicial Business!
by metatron indoes common sense ever emerge in this stupid organization?.
if you can't put two and two together, let me help you!.
get out of the judgement business!.
Big Tex
Yes, their ego is that large that they believe (strike that, KNOW) they know best.
need help on stats
by buffalosrfree ini need to get information on the statistical stats so to speak of just how may people were in the jdubs during the wwi years.
when they alas were in babylon the great.
please to send soonest.
Big Tex
I agree. Are you asking for how many Witnesses (I think they were called International Bible Students at that time) there were during the years 1914-18? I'm really not sure about the Babylon the Great comment . . .
Did you know I am a "horrible person"?
by Mulan ini spoke to my niece last night, who is getting a divorce.
her soon to be ex-husband told her it was announced that she is disassociated, recently.
news to all of us.
Big Tex
Well if the Witnesses are the gold standard for goodness, then I'm thrilled that I too am horrible!